Trimming the Fat

What's good everybody. Thanks for stopping thru. You could be anywhere else, but you're here with me and that's real, so let's get started.
First, I'm new to this whole blogging thing. I'm not really into letting a whole lot of random folks into my brain world to see what I'm concocting next, but my man, along with a lot of my other peoples do it, so I figure, why not give it a whirl. See how I like it, ya know? Ok, this isn't the first day of fall semester, so let me quit rambling with the pseudo-syllabus and just get to what's on my mind.
What might that be, you ask? I've got a lotta shit on my mind right now. For one, I'd like to know where the hell these 10 pounds I gained came from. It's almost like they crept up on me in the past 4 days. I know that sounds crazy, but I'm dead-ass serious. I literally weighed 10 lbs less 5 days ago.
Why is it that women stuggle so much with the idea of gaining weight? It's not fair. Dudes don't get pissy if they gain ten pounds. Bet, that if my man gained 10 pounds he's probably throw himself a party, but If I gain 3 pounds I'm having a fit.
How come on tv dude's can be big as Tyler Perry's house and be sexy? But if a chick is up there looking like Biggie's Twin sister, she's either the jolly fat giant or she's the fat friend with low self esteem? Ruben Studdard is fat. Very fat to be exact. But he's "the velvet teddy bear". Get the hell outta here with that nonesense.
I looked at myself today and said "Damn you've gotten quite thick there, homegirl." (Yes, I said those exact words) And I didn't mean thick as complimentary...I was trying my damndest not to say "fat". I've never been a skinny girl. Always had some meat on mah bones but it's really getting out of hand now. Honestly, I'm not fat, but I'm not confortable where I am, either. If I'd just listen to my boo, I'd know that I'm beautiful regardless of how huge or un-huge I am. But that's what he's supposed to say. I'd like for him to be able to carry me thru the threshold on our wedding day...not the other way around. I've got to do something. I'm calling Nutrisystem tomorrow.
Let me be the first to welcome you to the Bloggingsphere! Keep up the great work that you've been doing behind the scenes and in front of the camera. You'll get your just desserts in the end. Greatness isn't just your only option. I love you. Be Blessed and Stay Righteous.
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