Behind the Lens
So I'm almost done with my first real movie and I'm so excited. The premier is in 6 days and I feel like I just learned how to tie my shoe or something. Everytime I look at it during the editing process it gets better and better and better. It's frigging awesome!
I think I'm in love with my film teacher. Not in a romantic way but in a figurative sort of meaning. She's opened this whole world to me that I didn't know of before. I look at movies in a totally different way now. I see them asthetically and I notice mistakes that other people wouldn't give a second thought. Take 'Sugar Hill' for instance. Did you know that Westley Snipes has on a purple suit and a black shirt in the scene right before he goes to pick up Theresa Randle's character and once he gets there, he's got on a purple suit and a white shirt. And it was sooooooooooooo obvious to me. I told my cuzzo and she argued tooth and nail with me about it until I made her ass sit there and watch it 3 times. 2 points for me!
I find it amazing how fun you find your job when you've found something that really inspires you and allows you to have fun. A fun job and a bomb relationship are the keys to happiness, I think. I've got both. Let's hope it stays that way.