Rite of Passage

In exactly 9 days I will have been with Mr. K-Star the Great for an entire year. Time flies! This is the longest relationship I've ever had and I can't believe it's only been a year. Perhaps it's because I respect him, he respects me and we have fun together. I haven't gotten tired of him. Usually, I'd be feeling smothered and annoyed by someone at the 6 month mark. My last relationship lasted 7 months and I swear, it felt like 7 years. But, I can honestly say that my boo is the best friend I have ever had, aside from my family. I know without a shadow of a doubt that he's willing to cut somebody if need be. lol Not to take away from my best homegirl who I know would "stab a bitch", as she says, but Mr. Clark is the man. Gotta give props where props are due.
I had a conversation the other day with an individual who attempted to diss my dude suggesting that he might be "soft" or "not real". Let's get something straight. There is NO MAN on earth that will ever compare to Kevin Lee Clark, and I'm not just saying that because I'm with him. I know at least 25 women who would kill for a man who does the things he does for me. He puts my well-being above all else. This man took an ad out in the paper, for no reason at all just to tell me how much he loves me. When my car battery died, he got a new one for it without my asking. He came to my house with a dress and shoes and told me to go put it on cuz he was taking me to an expensive restaurant in downtown Cleveland. When we got there, he had paid his friend to drive up to Cleveland and serenade us while we ate. And no, it wasn't for Valentine's Day or my birthday. It was the middle of January and it was just because. Another time, I came home and he had placed about 20 "I love you" notes all around my apartment. On the toilet, in the fridge, in my underwear drawer, inside one of my boots. I was finding notes for 3 days straight. He spends time with my nephews. My family loves him and he loves them. So you say, "What's so special about that? That's what he's supposed to do." Yea, but how many men do you know that actually do it? Think about it.
Does that make him whipped? Hell no. That makes him a real man and anybody who thinks contrary to that needs to check their own relationship and figure out why they've got mine on the brain instead of enjoying theirs, if they've even got one.
Not to say that Kevin and I always get along; that would be a lie. Yes, he pisses me off. Yes, I piss him off. But the ratio of good to bad is about the same as the ratio of gay men to straight men in Atlanta: about 10:1. My love with my sweetie is a many splendid thing and I and blessed to be living this life with him. Let's pray for many more years to come.